Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The jag-offs in office and their rabid attack dogs on the right wing airwaves think they can slow down the passage of the health care bill by creating hysteria over the fact that it could be used for free abortions. Yeah, that would be sad. Less unwanted babies to institutionalize after years of mental, psycological and physical neglect. More moms attatched by handcuffs to screaming infants, selfish toddlers and sullen teens. A lifetime of drudgery and commitment for fucking the prom king behind the bowling alley. Family values. You must suffer for your choices, however uniformed. THE BABY YOU ABORT COULD BE JESUS.

That's why we had to come up with this website. A clearinghouse of pregnant women and people with cash who hate the idea of baby-slavery and love the taste of personal freedom. People with cash who want to help other people with options. Thus helping in turn all of the hypochondriacs without medical coverage or jobs who will then clog doctors offices all across the country, getting them the help they need and keeping them from bothering me on the bus with thier talk of demons voices and itchy private parts.

Leave your name and contact info in the comments section of this blog iof you either need a free abortion or would like to sponsor an abortion for a woman who just wants "this demon seed out of her body."